TIR - is an abbrev of the French language - Transport International Routier - International Road Transport and is the name of an international customs convention. It concerns the carriage of goods by lorries in global transport and simplifies procedures at border crossings and customs offices for road transport.
The purpose of the TIR Convention shall be to facilitate and simplify the international carriage of goods by:
ensuring that no additional security or tax duties are charged when crossing the border at the customs offices (parties to the Convention) which may be applicable in the country of transit or destination (the TIR Carnet - under the Convention - fulfills this function);
eliminating the need to prepare customs documentation when using the TIR Carnet.
68 parties, including the European Union, have signed the TIR Convention. TIR operations are currently available in 58 countries. This agreement includes:
the whole of Europe,
North Africa,
The Middle East,
United States of America and Canada,
in South America - Chile and Uruguay.
Transport operations under the TIR procedure are permissible if:
the transit commences or is scheduled to conclude outside the European Union;
it concerns transport carried out from one place to another within the territory of the European Union through the territory of a third country.
The regulations of the TIR Convention are exclusively applicable to the international road transport of goods.
It should be noted that TIR operations are not applicable for the transport of sensitive goods, such as tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, and their derivatives.
How to get a TIR carnet?
This depends on the carrier’s country of residence.
In Poland, to get permission to use the TIR Carnet, you must apply and get permission to use the Carnet from the Director of the Customs Chamber in Warsaw. The Association of International Road Carriers (ZMPD) issues the documentation.
What must the proposal contain?
the name or surname of the applicant;
The applicant's EORI number;
the individual identification number assigned to the applicant by the ZMPD;
the name, address, and contact details of the person authorized to contact the TIR procedure;
signature of the applicant, place, and date.
In addition, the proposal should be accompanied by:
Information to the bank holding the applicant’s settlement account about the amount of turnovers in the account, loans granted, and cash receivables from the bank account;
Community license for the international commercial carriage of goods by road;
Proof of vehicle registration;
Opinion on the possibility for the applicant to use the TIR procedure, issued by the National Guarantor Association and containing the applicant's identification number;
A statement that the applicant has not committed a serious or repeated violation of customs or tax law and is neither subject to enforcement or bankruptcy proceedings nor liable for taxes to the tax office.
How long is the card valid?
The authorization to use the TIR Carnet appears to be indefinite. However, if you materially violate the law regarding customs and international carriage of goods, the ZMPD may revoke your permit. Notwithstanding this, a breach of the provisions may deprive the right to use the carnet in a specific country of the Convention whose authorities consider the breach to be serious.
TIR carnet - customs and warranty document
The guarantee amount of each TIR Carnet is:
EUR 100 000 in EU countries and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia and Ukraine;
EUR 60 000 in Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova and Belarus;
USD 50,000 in other States Parties to the TIR Convention.
TIR carnet - what should you remember?
It is issued one trip - on one vehicle or a group of vehicles (container or a group of containers).
It consists of a cover and internal white and green cards. The number of cards must coincide with the number of operations involved in loading, crossing, and unloading the goods.
In each office, one pair of internal cards is used.
Each TIR card has a fixed expiry date, which is 120 days from the date of issue of the card to the holder.
It is not possible to assign TIR Carnets to third parties. However, it is possible to use subcontractors. If the company does not have a permit to use the TIR procedure and cooperates with the company that has to get permission, it is possible to conclude an appropriate agreement. Here, after meeting certain conditions, transports can be carried out under the subcontractor system in the TIR system.
Here's a bunch of some interesting facts:
TIR passes are printed in Geneva and are the property of the IRU (International Road Transport Union).
They are made of special paper and have several security features to prevent counterfeits from working. Each has an individual number, barcode, and watermark.
How to fill out a card?
The TIR card is completed by: the issuing association (in Poland - ZMPD), the customs authorities of the countries of transit, and the carrier before the start of each transit in fields: from 6 to 12 on the cover, and the manifest of goods and all volets - fields from 2 to 15. The manifest of goods always remains in the register. Volt No. 1 is used to open the TIR operation, while volet No. 2 is used to close it.
The TIR card should be completed on all volets, regardless of how many of them will be used for transit.
It is worth remembering that the notification of TIR transit operations in the customs area of the EU to the system NCTS2 (New Computerized Transit System in Poland) is mandatory.
TIR procedure and simplified procedures
The TIR procedure offers many benefits for all parties involved in transport operations. A notable example is the streamlined termination of the TIR procedure, allowing for the direct delivery of goods to an authorized consignee, thus circumventing the customs office of entry. To take advantage of this, one must secure the status of an authorized consignee. This status can be conferred upon the consignee or a representative of the entity that regularly receives goods under the protection of the TIR Carnet, through an intermediary representative.
There is also a simplified start of the TIR procedure. Then the truck does not have to go to the exit customs office after loading. Here, it is permissible for the holder of the pass to carry out the customs closures independently at the recognized place whose details are included in the permit. All you have to do is make the appropriate entry in the TIR carnet and nail the stamp with the content: “TIR–simplified procedure”. Shippers may also apply for TIR status.
However, it is worth checking the current regulations before every trip with official sources on the websites of the International Road Transport Union (IRU), ZMPD, and customs authorities, as the regulations and the number of countries participating in the convention may change.